+91 98983 05030  |  info@beelectric.in

Switchgears for seamless transfer of electrical loads.

Automatic and Manual Transfer Switches

Our Capabilities

We are always aiming to exceed customer expectations and provide creative solutions to meet any kind of demand. Keeping up with the emerging trends, market needs and combining them with our technical and creative expertise…

Ensuring your power supply to be continuous and reliable.

The smartest approach to provide continuous power for critical applications is to transfer sources between the load. ATS (Automatic Transfer Switch) is designed with automatic start/stop DG operation to ease the transfer between primary source to alternate source for providing continuous power supply.

Seamlessly transfer your loads between your primary power source and the backup sources.

We are always aiming to exceed customer expectations and provide creative solutions to meet any kind of demand. Keeping up with the emerging trends, market needs and combining them with our technical and creative expertise…

Switchgear Products

Automatic Transfer Switch (ATS)

  • Save costs: In-built controller eliminates the need
    for additional external controller.
  • Easy Auto/Manual/Remote operation modes with
    automatic DG Start/Stop function.
  • Compact design: Build cost & space-saving panels.
  • Easily integrate with BMS/SCADA systems for remote monitoring and control.
  • Withstands high short-circuit currents as per the IEC standard.
  • Monitors supply health & provides protection against Under/over voltages, Under/over frequency, Phase sequence and overloads.
  • Connect any type of electrical load — Inductive, Resistive or Capacitive loads.

Manual Transfer Switch (MTS)

  • Cost-effective solution
  • Suitable for a wide range of applications – 63A to 1600A
  • Electrically well designed for a safe manual operation
  • High short-circuit with stand capacity
  • Simplified wiring for easy installation
  • Robust design to suit extreme environments

What makes us different?

Manufacturer’s high end manufacturing services are a perfect complement to today’s high tech industries. The manufacture of industrial equipment requires a vast knowledge base of processes…